How Can I Find My Doctor

How can I find my doctor?
MHQP has information on quality care from over 550 doctor's offices on Healthcare Compass. You can search for your primary care doctor's office by entering in your doctor's name as part of your search. While this website does not report on individual doctors, you can learn valuable information about your doctor's office from the information on this website.  test
If you cannot find a doctor's office associated with your doctor, this might be for a few reasons: 
  • This report looks at doctor's offices with three or more doctors. If your doctor works by himself or herself or with only one other doctor, your doctor is not part of this report. 
  • This report is based on where doctors were working as of December 31, 2012. If your doctor did not work at your current doctor's office in December 2012, he or she may be part of a different doctor's office in this report. 
  • This report includes doctors who work as primary care providers. If you usually see a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant for care, he or she is part of this report. You can find the results for the office that your nurse practitioner or physician's assistant works at by searching for the office name and/or town that the office is in.  
Why can't I find my doctor's office?
To be included in this report, doctor's offices must have at least 3 doctors with enough reliable (trustworthy) data or patient survey responses to be publicly reportable. 
Why can't I find specialty doctors?  
Specialists are doctors such as cardiologists (doctors that care for patients' hearts), endocrinologists (doctors that care for patients with diabetes), or gynecologists (doctors that care for the special needs of women). While the care that patients get from specialists is very important, this website looks at how doctors give care in primary care doctor's offices.