About Quality and Measurement

What is quality health care?

Quality health care means treatment and care that is:

"Doing the right thing, at the right time, for the right person, and having the best possible result"

- Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ).

Why is it important to measure the quality of health care? 

It is important to look at the quality of the health care that you receive because the quality of the care you receive can be different depending on the doctor's office you go to. Measuring health care quality: 

What parts of health care does this website measure? 
This website helps patients answer two questions about their health care quality:   

Are primary care doctors giving their patients the correct preventive care services (such as cancer screenings) and chronic disease care (such as asthma or diabetes care)? The Clinical Quality report looks at how this of care was given to patients at doctors' offices. To learn more about the Clinical Quality Report, click here

How are patients' experiences with their doctor office? Does their doctor's office know about them and the care that they should be receiving? The Patient Experience Survey is a statewide survey that asks patients to report about their experiences with a specific primary care doctor and with that doctor's office. To learn more about the Patient Experience Survey report, click here